Photo: Michi Gasteiger (

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

Movie Premiere Munich

As I said, here some pics from the movie premiere in Munich. It´s was pretty epic. Over 140 people showed up. We all had a really great time, special thanks to Niko and Nina from SOS who organised that stop for us.Here the whole Crew: Johannes, myself, Niko (SOS), Cameraman Kai

Lots of give aways from Blizzard, SOS, Blacksheepsports and Peak

Big thanks to Nina & Niko

The Blizzard Crew, me, Steve and Ralf; super cool that you guys showed up!


so some impressions from was preety sweet. on the weekend we hunt some powder in Nauders...wish you guys a nice christmas time. ride on

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