Photo: Michi Gasteiger (

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

SOS Team Alpz

Finally my ankle is feeling better! It´s not 100% yet and I still feel it while riding but at least I am riding again ;). The SOS Team ALPZ met last weekend to shoot our first episode. It was super cool to meet all the guys finally. We decided to go to Schruns/Hochjoch in Austria Simon´s homespot. The snow was actually really nice and we could shred some good lines. A scary moment also when Max (one of the Teamriders) triggered and avalance, but luckily nothing happend and we all could enjoy our day. A little edit is down low. On friday I will be on my way to Hochfügen to start finally my contest season. I am super stoked and happy to be part of the circus again. ;) so ski safe and enjoy being out there.... :)

see you guys soon....

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