Photo: Michi Gasteiger (

Sonntag, 29. August 2010

Some impressions so far....

Hey guys,

its been a couple of days since I was in Wanaka. Since than we have been to Dunedin watched pinguines and I actally saw an albatross. It was pretty cool. New Zealand really rocks. After that we went back up north to ski in the clubfields were we skied Temple Basin a really cool clubfield. It was a bit of a walk to get there (45mins up the hill), but it was totally worth it.

Our base right now at Castle Hill. having breakfast in the morning....

Springfield, I found Homers real hometown..... :D

New zealand famous parrot, the Kea...really cool and evil...hahha

Powder Day in Cragieburn

Nice sunset after skiing in Mt. Olympus

Me in Treble Cone, watching down in the valley

At the westcoast, checking out the Franz Josef Glacier

Cliff drop at Temple Basin, it was really cool up there

We met an austrian crew also skiing here, pretty cool guys. We decided to ski together, and its been awesome.... :D

This is Fred, one of the coolest kiwis....we stayed at his house for a week- no problem. Thx so much fred! :D

For the last two weeks the plan is to head up to the northern island. We are going to ski Mt. Ruhapehu. Ruhapehu is a vulcano and its still activ. So I am really excited how its going to be up there.....
There is also a Big Mountain Competition were we going to much more to come before i fly back home at the 13th.. :D

Stay tuned....


Photos: Kai Stoeckel

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