Photo: Michi Gasteiger (

Freitag, 20. August 2010

NZ Völkl Open, Freeride World Tour, 8th Place

Wow, overall an really impressive day.
Still feel a bit hangover from the afterparty, so we actually had some reason to party.

Back to the contest itself. :D Finally, after 3 days of postponing due bad weather conditions, the competion was able to be held. Snow conditions weren´t really great. A litte fresh of like 3-4cm on a really icy pack, so good edges should have been mandatory.

I am enterting as the 15th competetor in the startinglist. It finally clears up a little before I leave the startinggate. First turns in really nice snow, I try to get as much speed as I can (other competitors came to me afterwards telling me that it looked ridicoulous fast) :D

As the steep part begins I am looking for my first cliff to hit, I see it in front of me....looks bigger than i thought, but I am to fast to stopp anyways. Good drop, perfect landing, first part of the run is done. The next turns bring me into a really alpine face, only 3 people chose to ride there. End of the face brings me into an big couloir I try to sideslip it as much as I can then straight it....lots of speed into the last turns but I am able to handle it and ski safe to the bottom. My helmetcamrun is attached at the end of the text.

In the end I come 8th on a 3 star Freeride World Tour event. My final score is only 5points away from the podium, it was really tight up top. I am still happy and look forward to more freeriding.

It´s just amazing here in NZ.....more to come.


Helmetcamrun NZ Open; Rider; Eric Zeller:

8th place - Völkl New Zealand Open, Freeride World Tour from Kai Stoeckel on Vimeo.

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